Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Its snowing.

woot woot.

so here it is folks;
arent these bowls gorgeous? Im in love. lol.

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they range from $90-$286 at bloomies
pink lacy shutterbug coat not much of a reason for posting this, except that it's pretty, impractical and from Anthropologie.
I feel like traveling, New York, Chicago, LA
I need workout inspiration I drove by the gym yesterday and the sign board read "the average person gains 7-12 pounds during the holiday season" -yeah, that seemed like a good motivation for about three seconds. I kept driving.
I wish I looked lindsey lohan-esque but Im far from it. I reaally should go to the gym everyday, but that requires morning trips, and I dont get enough sleep as it is. Im at about 2-3 times per week, but I know I need to step it up. ughhhh.
I've decided that I miss the hills

so I'll leave you with this
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Monday, November 27, 2006

Hmmm... Thinking of doing this but Im not sure about the $100 dollar price tag. How much are Christmas trees supposed to cost anyway?
I adore the coat but Im thinking Im not going to be able to pull it off. So much for brave fashion. hmph.
even half off this shirt is still a bit pricy, maybe I'll drop some hints around the fam for an Xmas gift? (btw, Im amazed at the model in this pic, everyone else on the site is flaaaat)
Victoria Beckham does it best, I want my hair like hers, all volumnous and such. my hair has been slagging behind lately.
I've decided Im in lurve with MaryKate

how cute is she here?! I am in love with the necklace, the hat and all. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

well, theres my ramblings of the hour. whoo whoo.